About SERG
Research Lines
Computational Intelligence for Software Engineering
Machine Learning for Software Engineering
Software Analytics
Software Engineering for Fintech
Software Quality
Software Reliability for Concurrent and Distributed Systems
Sustainable Software Engineering
Thesis Projects
Felienne Hermans
Assistant Professor
Grading 600+ students: A Case Study on Peer and Self Grading
The Effect of a Block-based Language on Formula Comprehension in Spreadsheets
Spreadsheet use and programming experience: An exploratory survey
Ten simple rules for getting started on Twitter as a scientist
Perceived relevance of automatic code inspection in end-user development: A study on VBA
Pragmatic software testing education
The effect of Reading code aloud on comprehension: An empirical study with school students
XLBlocks: A block-based formula editor for spreadsheet formulas
A usability analysis of blocks-based programming editors using cognitive dimensions
Code phonology: An exploration into the vocalization of code
Detecting and Predicting Evolution in Spreadsheets-A Case Study in an Energy Network Company
No half-measures: A study of manual and tool-assisted end-user programming tasks in Excel
On the Effectiveness of Automatically Inferred Invariants in Detecting Regression Faults in Spreadsheets
Programming misconceptions for school students
The use of charts, pivot tables, and array formulas in two popular spreadsheet corpora
Thinking out of the box: comparing metaphors for variables in programming education
A dataset of scratch programs: scraped, shaped and scored
Code as Art-Art as Code: On the Use of Poetry and Paintings in Programming Education.
How do scratch programmers name variables and procedures?
Naming Guidelines for Professional Programmers.
Parsing excel formulas: A grammar and its application on 4 large datasets
Peter Hilton on Naming
Programming Education to Preschoolers: Reflections and Observations from a Field Study.
Programming is writing is programming
Semi-automatic extraction of cross-table data from a set of spreadsheets
Software clones in scratch projects: On the presence of copy-and-paste in computational thinking learning
Spreadsheet testing in practice
Teaching software engineering principles to k-12 students: a mooc on scratch
The effect of delocalized plans on spreadsheet comprehension: a controlled experiment
To scratch or not to scratch? A controlled experiment comparing plugged first and unplugged first programming lessons
Towards blocks-based prototyping of web applications
Do code smells hamper novice programming? A controlled experiment on Scratch programs
Evaluating automatic spreadsheet metadata extraction on a large set of responses from mooc participants
Gradual structuring in the spreadsheet paradigm
Gradual structuring: Evolving the spreadsheet paradigm for expressiveness and learnability
How kids code and how we know: An exploratory study on the Scratch repository
Improving the performance of a large scale spreadsheet: a case study
In the future, everyone will be a programmer for 15 minutes
Leaders of tomorrow on the future of software engineering: A roundtable
Smells in block-based programming languages
Spreadsheets are code: An overview of software engineering approaches applied to spreadsheets
TrueGrid: Code the table, tabulate the data
2nd international workshop on software engineering methods in spreadsheets (SEMS 2015)
A grammar for spreadsheet formulas evaluated on two large datasets
Code smells in spreadsheet formulas revisited on an industrial dataset
Detecting and refactoring code smells in spreadsheet formulas
Detecting problematic lookup functions in spreadsheets
Enron's spreadsheets and related emails: A dataset and analysis